Monday, November 26, 2012

TImeless Original -- Our Boat-Shaped Custom Conference Table

Through 25 years of producing custom conference tables, there has been one that has a track record of being timeless. Boardroom furniture, coordinating conference chairs, complimentary office/conference furniture such as conference credenzas, visual aid boards, and video conference accessories provide a contemporary look and leaving the typical wood bull nose edge tables to be re-considered. As you can see with this conference table, mahogany with a brushed aluminum inset stripe puts a nice sophisticated look to a  boardroom environment. Rich, quite a statement, but beyond all that, extremely functional.

The power and data accessories installed in this custom conference table was a pioneer move by this company. The base structure of our tables allows for retro-fits in the future. Our bases all have access panels for ease of added power and data modules and have access from and to the other bases to prevent those ugly wires seen by the people within the boardroom itself.

Office layouts are extremely important for productivity but a collection of people in a boardroom adds a twist to the  focus ability of the subjects at hand for some people. When people loose interest or get distracted they start getting fidgety, many times picking and scratching that edge on the table. The Franz design group's unique edge look and mainly production style results in tables that have proven to be timeless. these tables that are 20 years old or more look like they are new. Say that about a wooden edge table! Doesn't happen unless it's there for all show and no go.

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