Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Abstract Modern Board Room Table for San Jose Tech Museum

Talk about modern design! We were asked to design a custom board room table for the Tech Museum in San Jose, California.

To start, the client sent us photos of the surrounding environment and we came up with this abstract, modern custom conference table.

The table tied together with all the colors in the room, and reflected the innovative, creative vibe of the museum.

It was great fun to design the table, and it opened the door to many other projects for the museum once they saw our capabilities.

With a practically infinite number of materials available to us and decades of experience working with them, the sky's the limit on Franz furniture designs.

Let us help you create a show-stopper for your company.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Creative, Contemporary Inlay Design for Board Room Table

modern custom board room table with contrasting ribbon inlay
Here's an eye-dazzling table for a board room. 

This custom design fit perfectly into the client's board room layout along with other complementary  furniture.

No power and data!  Wow, that's a twist in itself. These days, we rarely do board room furniture without videoconferencing accessories of some kind. Even so, this custom table is an investment in style, uniqueness and enduring beauty.

Each of our projects is completely customized, but you can get some starter ideas by visiting our design customizations page and project gallery.

Friday, September 7, 2012

A timeless table

Probably our most successful table over the last 10 years. Mahogany, Reverse Styledge, brushed aluminum inset stripe and all the other furniture to match in this boardroom. Custom conference tables with power and data per requirements, video conferencing accessories, and matching conference furnitue to match add to make a great. working environment. Ad a logo and custom conference table that has become a stand conference table becomes a unique custom conference table for a client.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Start-ups in Silicon Valley & SF Go For Hi-Tech Conference Table Designs

There has been much start-up activity in our area lately. And many newcomers, especially in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, are hi-tech.

The personalities of these companies often mimic those of the founders. So it's great when the boardroom table / conference table reflects that edgy, creative vibe.

Our recent custom conference table designs include this modern glass and metallic look. Need your office decor to communicate concepts like hi-tech, cutting edge and innovative? Ask us how.

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The Franz approach to designing technology in our tables
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Last process before production

During our process with a client wanting a custom conference table/boardroom table, we go through a number of steps. Obviously, the first is interest from a potential client that's looking for a specific conference table. Most of the time clients believe they know what they want, but when dialog starts with questions from our staff, it is quickly learned on their part that the thought process needs more time.
There are needs to deal with IT people to clarify exactly what is needed as far as power/data video conferencing accessories, etc. Making sure the conference room layout takes into account that there is electrical, power and data  and video available with relationship to the placement of the table. The size of the table is also verified along with the requested number of people and exactly what they need. Once 90% of the office boardroom layout is complete, our cad production department does a three "D" rendering of the table. This conceptional drawing was Franz Design Group's idea nearly 10 years ago. Specifically to put the client at ease and also to eliminate any surprises when the table and all the support office furniture arrives.
This is a good examle of an actuall custom conference table fabricated which included logos and a special undermount control computer at one end of the table.